About Julie

Rev. Julie seeks to keep connections strong within the congregation, especially with those valued members that for differing reasons can no longer be present in Sunday morning worship.  This is done by staying in touch, usually through personal visits, and keeping them informed of activities and opportunities within the congregation.  Also included are those with temporary stays in a hospital or Rehab facility.   While serving as pastor to congregations in the Dakotas for over two decades, Jesus’ words as recorded in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven,” have guided my life and ministry.  Returning to Jackson and my home church three years ago, these words still guide me.  To me, that means that the light Jesus shines into my life, I am required to reflect into the lives of others so they may see Jesus clearly.  That is what I seek to do in all of my life.