Events at JFUMC

Upcoming Events

Stay up to date with our Master Calendar!

First Wednesday Dinner

Join us for a delicious meal and fellowship!

RSVPs strongly encouraged by March 3.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service
Ash Wednesday Worship Service

Join us for a sacred Ash Wednesday Worship Service as we enter the season of Lent with reflection, repentance, and renewal. This meaningful service will include prayer, Scripture readings, music, and the imposition of ashes, a symbol of our mortality and our need for God’s grace.

Come as you are, and begin this holy season with a heart open to God’s presence. All are welcome!

Heyyy Pretty Momma! Meet Up
Heyyy Pretty Momma! Meet Up

This event is FREE and includes a meal provided by the church, vendors for parent & family needs, fun things to do and tables for just sitting and making friends. We have no expectations on you as someone who attends. We just wanted to create a safe space in person for all of the women looking for a safe space in this Heyyy Pretty Momma’s online community.

Lenten Breakfast
Attend our annual Lenten breakfast, sponsored by Jackson First United Women in Faith, on Thursday, March 20th for time filled with special programming, breakfast, meditation, reflection and fellowship.
The meal is $10 and reservations are required and needed by Thursday, March 13.
Please call the church at 517–787-6460.
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